Tag Archives: Tree of Light

New Dream 🌑💭

New Dream n’usurpe pas son titre : avant de partir vers de nouveaux rêves, Funnell dresse un état des lieux de son art, entre be-bop, latin jazz et jazz contemporain, parfumé de funk et de blues, ou de touches extrêmes-orientales…

Bob Hatteau, Jazz à bâbord

La musique est percutante, dynamique mais jamais brutale.
À consommer sans modération.

Guillaume Lagrée, Le jars jase jazz
Jim Funnell’s Word Out – Greenpoint Graffiti (Official Video)

Un album métissé, bien agréable et remarquablement joué !

Martine Omiécinski, La Gazette Bleue
Jim Funnell’s Word Out – Asteroid B612 (Official Video)

Very clever, lots of impressive playing … One for people who like their jazz accessible and well- played.

JMC, The Chronicle
Jim Funnell’s Word Out – Crop Circle Crackle (Official Video)

Un voyage ancré dans une quête de sincérité artistique.

Jean-Luc, Mazik
Jim Funnell’s Word Out – Tree of Light (Official Video)

Un album vibrant, où le plaisir du jeu transpire à chaque instant la créativité en temps réel.

Patrick Dallongeville, Paris Move
Jim Funnell’s Word Out – Echoes of Cyan (Official Video)

Un álbum a tener en cuenta, rico en matices y estilos.

José Ramón, La Habitación del Jazz

Pokud na vás dýchne dálkami a romantikou už obal desky, věřte, že podobně zapůsobí i muzika.

Tomáš S. Polívka, Český rozhlas Jazz

Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Tree of Light

Be the light,
And you will merge
With all light.

“Tree of Light” is one of the last compositions I completed in 2020 (hence the silver Christmas tree in the YouTube video) and the very last one Akiko and I filmed and recorded in our Sunnyside apartment (Queens, New York) before moving to Reykjavík (Iceland) for a few months. Two of our friends, namely Dominique Muzeau and Thibault Perriard, joined us remotely from the Île-de-France (Paris Region) in this transition, contributing amazing bass and drum parts from their homes and lifting our spirits in the process. I’m sure their playing on this track will lift yours too!

Audio copyright-protected on Toroblocks
Sheet music copyright-protected on Toroblocks