All posts by funnelljazz

L’Improviste concert review: Le jars jase jazz

Guillaume Lagrée’s review of Word Out’s concert at L’Improviste in Paris (April 2013) on his blog Le jars jase jazz.

🇫🇷 “Il n’y a pas réellement de solo dans le jeu de ce trio. L’échange est permanent.”

🇬🇧/🇺🇸 “There’s no real soloing in this trio’s approach to making music. The interplay is permanent.”

Guillaume Lagrée, Le jars jase jazz

🇫🇷 “Il y a des pianistes qu’on n’entend pas assez, dont on ne parle pas assez et qui ont plein de belles histoires à raconter comme Jim Funnell. … Il faut aller le voir, l’entendre, l’écouter dès que possible.”

🇬🇧/🇺🇸 “There are pianists who aren’t heard enough, who aren’t talked about enough, and who have plenty of great stories to tell. Jim Funnell is one of them. … You have to go and see him, hear him, listen to him as soon as possible.”

Guillaume Lagrée, Le jars jase jazz

Word Out album review: Le jars jase jazz

Review (in French) of Word Out’s eponymous debut album on jazz critic Guillaume Lagrée’s blog Le jars jase jazz.

Word Out
Self-produced, 2009

Jim Funnell: piano and compositions
Oliver Degabriele: acoustic bass
Thibault Perriard: drums

“Dear attentive and focused readers,

You may have noticed that I already praised Word Out in concert, when the trio gave a sneak preview of their freshly recorded upcoming album, Spirit of the Snail; I certainly will tell you all about its release in due time.

Meanwhile, since it’s never too late to do well, let me trumpet the delights and merits of their eponymous debut album Word Out, released in 2009.”

“Word Out does not claim to revolutionize the piano trio format. These young musicians are not conceited. They are simply fresh, alive, curious, open-minded, joyful, and listening to their music does heaps of good.”

“If I had to choose an excerpt from this album, it would be their version of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” (track no. 7). [ … ] Here, they take a classic, preserving its raw pop energy and conserving its British majesty while instilling a sense of swing typical of jazz music. A complete success from the first to last note.”

– Guillaume Lagrée