🇫🇷 “Il n’y a pas réellement de solo dans le jeu de ce trio. L’échange est permanent.”
Guillaume Lagrée, Le jars jase jazz
🇬🇧/🇺🇸 “There’s no real soloing in this trio’s approach to making music. The interplay is permanent.”
🇫🇷 “Il y a des pianistes qu’on n’entend pas assez, dont on ne parle pas assez et qui ont plein de belles histoires à raconter comme Jim Funnell. … Il faut aller le voir, l’entendre, l’écouter dès que possible.”
🇬🇧/🇺🇸 “There are pianists who aren’t heard enough, who aren’t talked about enough, and who have plenty of great stories to tell. Jim Funnell is one of them. … You have to go and see him, hear him, listen to him as soon as possible.”
Guillaume Lagrée, Le jars jase jazz