life purpose

Create and advance the art of music; inspire and encourage uniqueness.

  1. Performance & Composition: the creative work I am engaged in consists of a) bringing musical ideas to consciousness as faithfully as possible, b) structuring them into tunes/improvisations/compositions, c) in turn, materializing those pieces into recordings and live performances, and d) making them available for the pleasure/enjoyment/nourishment of all who may choose to be exposed to (or stumble upon!) them;
  2. Practice-Based Music Research & Ethnomusicology: focus on the oneness of all music and show that all forms of human music making from around the world, regardless of however different they sometimes may seem on the surface, are in fact deeply connected.

These activities shall be carried out in a spirit of respect and celebration of all the beautiful traditions the world still has to offer today, despite the fast pace at which many of them are currently being extinguished to the benefit of our modern technological/materialistic society.

The main purpose to which I will continue to dedicate my time is thus, hopefully, to inspire and encourage you – and all fellow human beings – not to succumb to the plague of conformism hitting humanity in the 21st century.

🙏 Many Thanks To… 🙏

“The mystery of the whole life has a great charm. … but when one wants to explain [ it ] words are not adequate.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Power of the Word

The hearts of men are likened to gongs in the temple. Every spoken word strikes them, but by the power of breath one strikes them without a word.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Healing Papers

“Most experiences are unsayable, they happen in a space that no word has ever entered.”

Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

“… les conceptions métaphysiques, par leur nature universelle, ne sont jamais totalement exprimables, ni même imaginables, ne pouvant être atteintes dans leur essence que par l’intelligence pure et informelle. Elles dépassent immensément toutes les formes possibles, et spécialement les formules où le langage voudrait les enfermer, formules toujours inadéquates qui tendent à les restreindre et par là, à les dénaturer.”

René Guénon, Introduction générale à l’étude des doctrines hindoues (2ème partie, chapître 5)

360° post-bop jazz fusion exploration